- 2011, 168 Great toe trial, primary investigator Dr Kerry Zang, 1 treatment View
- 2012, 105 Great toe trial published in the ‘Mycoses’ Journal, primary investigator Dr Kerry Zang, 2 x weekly treatments i) Veiw
- 2013, 323 patient study preliminary study in the treatment of Onychomycosis;
primary investigator_Mr. Robert Sullivan BSc.(Hons) Podiatry, MSc. Pod
Surgery,. PgC.Acup,.FIChPA. Member Association of Surgeons in Primary Care (UK).
ii) 2013, Same study as 3) i) but formatted to publish in the German market
iii) 2013, Same study as 3) i), published in Aesthetische Dermatologie
Robert Sullivan 48 week GB & I Lunula paper
Robert Sullivan German paper_Aesthetische Dermatologie
4. Sullivan 76 week study paper – Final – View
5. i) 2015, Sullivan 109 patient retrospective trial. An Evaluation of the Effect of
the Erchonia LUNULA™ on Treating Toenail Onychomycosis
ERCHONIA LUNULA Toenail Onychomycosis Clinical Study Results Report- Sullivan
ii) Summary of 5) i) Summary_Sullivan 109 patient study summary
6. 2015, Zang 105 patient/168 toe FDA cleared study; A Retrospective Evaluation
of the Effect of the
Erchonia LUNULALASER™ on the Increase of Clear Nail in Patients with
Toenail Onychomycosis
Erchonia_Zang 105 patient-168 toe FDA submitted study V1 0 09 23 15-final